Honoring America’s Veterans hosts Arizona’s largest attended Veterans Day Parade on Thursday, November 11th. There are many people making this possible by stepping up and volunteering. You can be one of these special individuals making a difference! Please help us celebrate our Arizona Veterans with your time and energy.
When: November 11th, 2021 Time: Approximately 9 a.m. until 2 p.m.
We have several opportunities where you can help, including:
Balloon Handlers: Volunteers will help support three helium balloons (Uncle Sam, American Flag, and Military Spheres) to safely carry down the 2-mile parade route.
Banner Carriers (14-16): Need two people on each banner to carry the following flags in the Parade:
- Parade presented by Honoring America’s Veterans
- Business Community Grand Marshals
- Veterans Grand Marshals
- Essay Winners
- Mayor of Phoenix
- Governor of Arizona
- VIPS/ Congressional Members
Logistics: Volunteers are responsible for maintaining important parade staging points to distribute water, chairs, tents, tables, programs and escorting Grand Marshals or VIPS to their assigned parade entry or vehicle.
Number Carriers: These volunteers will carry numbers in the Parade. The numbers help people know what entry is passing in front of them. Seeing the number is an excellent guide as they follow along with the announcers or read the parade program. Other volunteers distribute 10,000 print programs along the route before the start of the Parade.
Parade March Volunteers: During the Parade, the Parade March volunteers will need to help ensure that the units keep a steady pace and assist in any breakdowns, issues entries may have, etc. The managers will obtain assistance via radio from the Parade Route Managers. If the matter is a car breakdown or other similar issue, the marshal will need to move the broken-down vehicle or entry to the left and proceed with the following parade entries to the right so they may continue along the route. The Parade Committee will respond with appropriate support
Parade Route Managers: Volunteers will be assigned to the speaker towers and will be assigned radios to communicate via a coordination channel during the Parade. Relaying this information is essential to the flow of the Parade, sharing issues, and ensuring the safety of entry participants along the entire parade route.
Staging / Check-in: Volunteers will assist float entries during check-in by directing them to their designated staging area, communicating any concerns or questions to appropriate personnel, and ensuring a steady pace as entries enter the parade route.
Your group or even individuals can get involved by volunteering directly on the HAV website: https://honoringamericasveterans.org/volunteer.