Phoenix Veterans Day Parade Entry Standards
Parade Standards PDF
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INTENT AND PURPOSE: The meaning and purpose of the Phoenix Veterans Day Parade are to honor our nation’s Veterans by respectfully and positively recognizing their military service in the Armed Forces (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, National Guard, Coast Guard, and Merchant Marines). Any individual or unit determined to have a presentation inconsistent with this parade’s theme may be denied participation in the parade on that basis. The parade may not be used as a platform for any other issue or cause.
Entry Request/Acceptance: Entrants must complete a Phoenix Veterans Day Parade Entry Application Form in its entirety. Entries MUST include what type of attire the unit will wear for the parade AND what items they will be carrying or displaying. All entries are subject to approval by the Phoenix Veterans Day Parade Team to ensure adherence to the standards and guidelines. Missing information on the entry form may delay this approval process. Entries will be notified of parade acceptance or declination.
SIZE LIMITS: Each parade entry is limited to 150 members (except bands). Any entries larger than this who wish to participate in the Phoenix Veterans Day Parade will be split-up into two or more separate units to create a steady flow for the overall parade.
Minimum Age Limits: Because of the parade route’s length and pace, children marching in the parade must meet the minimum age requirement of 13 years old.
TRASH (PACK IT IN AND PACK IT OUT): Entrants must ensure that all garbage generated by their entry while in the staging and de-staging areas is disposed of properly. This requirement includes any staging needs, such as decorations, wooden pallets, paper, empty water bottles, etc. Trash bins are provided, and entrants are requested to take their trash to these disposal areas.
ESCORTS: If there is a need for official escorts for a unit, they should be part of each parade unit. Official escorts participating in the parade are limited to five per 50 people. (150 entry limit = 15 escorts maximum per unit). Escorts MUST be in patriotic attire and part of a marching unit.
SAFETY AND COURTESY: Entries should always participate in the parade courteously, with safety in mind. Parade entry members riding on a float must be securely fastened to the float with safety harnesses. All entries of vehicles must display proof of current insurance, and the driver must have a valid driver’s license to participate. License and insurance will be randomly checked before the parade movement. For safety reasons, throwing anything into the crowd from the parade route IS PROHIBITED. Handouts or giveaway items are to be listed as part of your entry. If you are handing out items, you must walk to the spectators, handing out items individually and keeping pace with your entry.
ELIGIBILITY FOR JUDGING: Entries can be judged for parade awards. Entries will be judged on presentation along the entire two-mile parade route. Any entry that fails to adhere to the parade standards and guidelines will disqualify their entry from eligibility for all awards. Dependent upon the infraction, the entry may also be suspended from participation in future parades.
NO STOPPING ALONG PARADE ROUTE: ENTRIES SHALL NOT STOP IN THE PARADE for any reason other than an emergency, including any precision or drill unit presentation, gymnastics, etc. Please note that stopping along the parade route creates gaps in the parade, creates safety issues, and can ruin the overall event.
Animal WASTE: All animal (equestrian and canine) units must have appropriate methods of waste removal (i.e., diapers or “pooper-scoopers”) and are responsible for ensuring cleanup in the staging area, along the parade route and in the de-staging area. All entries with animals shall ensure that the animal waste is packed out with their entry or disposed of safely and appropriately.
THEME: The theme of the Phoenix Veterans Day Parade changes each year and is chosen to help honor our Veterans through patriotic and uplifting parade entry displays. We intend to positively recognize those who have served in the Armed Forces and protected the citizens of the United States, and preserved our freedom. The parade may not be used as a platform for any other issue or cause, including political campaigns.
APPAREL: Parade apparel must be appropriate to the parade theme. For example, Reserve Officer Training Corps in uniform, Novelty Unit in Pom attire, Pearl Harbor Veterans in Aloha attire, etc. DOD standards allow those on active duty, active reserve, or on orders to be in uniform, and retired members’ uniform wear is optional but highly preferred in keeping with the theme. Please note: Flag etiquette prohibits wearing the American flag as clothing.
MUSIC: Bands MUST play music along the entire length of the two-mile parade route. Bands are also strongly encouraged to play patriotic and military marches. The music should be played during the whole parade length for the enjoyment of all spectators.
VEHICLE AND FLOAT DECORATIONS: Vehicles in the parade should be either of historical military significance or have some Veteran connection. If not, they must be able to provide a service to the parade (i.e., carrying a parade grand marshal, novelty, VIP, etc.). ALL civilian vehicles shall be decorated in a patriotic theme to bring more attention to our veterans’ service. Tow vehicles for floats or other entries should also be decorated in a patriotic theme. Vehicles shall also maintain the parade pace.
HAV maintains the right to be selective of parade entries.