Each year, Honoring America’s Veterans hosts a high school essay competition. This year’s theme is “Liberty, Honor, and Sacrifice”. One winner from each grade (9-12) is selected and receives $250 with an additional $150 prize to the winner’s teacher. Our 12th grade winner for 2022 is Daniel Castaneda of Coronado High School.
Veteran's are the Foundation
Veterans wear the American flag with honor so that we can hang the flag with pride. The United States can prosper because of heroes. America would not be in this position without a great deal of veteran sacrifice. Many soldiers lost their lives to bring liberty to the United States, and many continue to fight to maintain freedom for the American people. In modern times Americans
tend to fail to appreciate veterans; Americans will enjoy the freedom but do not see the determination, honor, and loyalty veterans have for our country.
The veterans have built the foundation for Americans. Their sacrifice protects the Constitution our Founding Fathers forged for our country. Like G.K. Chesterton said: “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”
The veterans are loyal to America so our American children can grow with endless opportunities and safety. The beloved freedom that America built would not have been possible if it were not for the veterans sacrificing their lives for this country.
Veterans have constructed this foundation by sacrificing their own liberty, their health, and in some cases, their life. In fact, my brother-in-law and my aunt have served in the Marines and Army, respectively. Having members in the family who served in the military has made me appreciate veterans because you see firsthand the hardship the family and the veteran go through. My brother-in-law has shared some stories of the early mornings in hot and muggy South Carolina. He served in the Marines for eight years and is currently serving with the Border Patrol. He has become a role model for me because he went through hardships and sleepless nights for a cause bigger than himself. My aunt immigrated to America at the age of 12; She immediately fell in love with America’s values and what we stand for. When she grew up, she decided to join the Army and be part of the same heroes she idolized.
Veterans and the current military keep this country going. Too many Americans have become accustomed to liberty our courageous veterans have won for us. American Veterans earn, honor and sacrifice for the American Flag on their shoulder so that American citizens can fly the flag with pride, respect, and, most importantly, liberty.